Flooring Installation Supplies
Largest Selection Of Flooring Installation Supplies in Florida
Premier Flooring Supply Center
Coastal Flooring Supplies is your premier flooring supply provider. We are a major supplier of all things flooring supply-related. Our professional and knowledgeable staff is always eager to offer solutions for all your flooring supply needs.

Being in the great state of Florida, particularly in Bay County, we specialize in flooring adhesives brands like Mapei. It's crucial that the correct adhesive be used on jobs located in Florida. Even seasoned professionals make the mistake of using the incorrect one.
Mapei has been an international brand known for adhesives, grouts, thin-sets, and other mortar type product. We stock the ECO 995 so you can get the materials you need fast. Ask about our sale on Planipatch.

Installation Tools
Roberts Tools
Most flooring installations are time consuming and tough on the back and knees. For every down there is an up. But with Roberts installation tools, you stand to save time on every job by working smarter, not harder.
Roberts has been the industry leader for installation tools since the invention of sliced bread. We stock a slew of Roberts products like trowels, carpet cutters, and saw blades. Ask about our sale on Roberts.

Shower Installation Sets
Schluter System Kerdi
Nothing is more gratifying than a happy customer giving a "job well done". No customer wants a leaking shower and no installer wants to come back to a jobsite after it's completion. That's why its imperative to use professional installation systems such as Schluter to seal every joint, nook and cranny where water can seap through.
When it comes to tile installation, Schluter Systems has been on the forefront of installation supplies such as waterproofing shower systems and in floor heating elements. We stock the full Schluter System.
Ready When You Are
The products you need—when you need them! With our large selection of in-stock, quality products and our early-bird and Saturday hours, we get you on your project faster!